Please also refer to the Maths curriculum content plan and skills progression plan found on our website here (Curriculum > Subject plans)
Maths Parent Workshop
Our most recent parent workshop for Maths (and English) was on Tuesday 1st October 2024, presented by Mr Whitehead (Subject Leader for Maths). Please see below the presentation used and a collection of useful maths-related websites for parents:
Maths Parent Workshop
Our most recent parent workshop for Maths (and English) was on Tuesday 1st October 2024, presented by Mr Whitehead (Subject Leader for Maths). Please see below the presentation used and a collection of useful maths-related websites for parents:

The Essex Year of Numbers is a countywide campaign we have shared information about in previous newsletters. This initiative aims to inspire a love of learning, with a focus on numeracy, through learning opportunities, fun events and initiatives for children aged 0 to 18-years-old. Parents can also access guidance and support through the programme to help build numbers and learning into homelife. You can find out more information via these links:
Website: https://www.essex.gov.uk/news/essex-year-of-numbers
App: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/essex-year-of-reading/id1610860810 (Apple) or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.nimbl.eyor (Android)
Online directory of events:
Useful maths documents
Times Tables Rock Stars
At Baddow Hall Junior School, all of our pupils have access to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). This interactive program targets pupils' learning gaps across the times tables.
At the end of year 4, all children nationally sit the 'Multiplication tables check' which tests their knowledge of tables up to 12x12, with the expectation that all children know all tables and can recall them within 6 seconds.
Each week, our fastest and hardest-working TTRS pupils are rewarded in our Celebration Assembly.

For some of our pupils, we have subscribed to Mathseeds, an interactive teaching tool which targets specific learning areas for our pupils. It is aimed at filling the gaps in number sense and place value to ensure that our pupils have the foundations of mathematical knowledge in place to support learning across the maths curriculum.
Mathseeds has an option for parents to make their own personal subscription for their child if this is not something school have already provided.

Purple Mash
All pupils at BHJS have access to Purple Mash, which is predominantly used in school for computing lessons.. There are many excellent maths games that can be found on the Purple Mash website which target all areas of the curriculum, with games suitable for children of all primary year groups.
These games can be completed on a computer, tablet or phone and also notes children's progress through each topic.

Websites to support parents
Here are a list of websites that parents can use to help inform of what your child learns at school and the methods that are used.
White Rose Maths
Parent guide section
Information for parents
Support materials for parents as well as
activities for children
Maths game websites
BBC Bitesize Maths
Range of maths resources and support materials
Interactive maths games
Interactive maths games and tools
Primary Games
Interactive maths games and tools